How Do I Study the Bible Effectively? - Sunday

How Do I Study the Bible Effectively?

One of the most common questions that we’re asked here at The Brand Sunday is, “How do I study the Bible?” Whether you’ve been a Christian for one day or a few years, this is a question that many are asking more often than not. If you’re asking this question, you’re not alone. Reading the Bible can be a little intimidating but learning how to study the Bible, well, that may even seem a bit overwhelming, and we get it, trust us, we’ve been there too!

This is a big reason why we’ve created resources here at The Brand Sunday, to make it easier to understand the Bible and to help you grow in your faith in Christ. It’s when we begin to understand what the Bible says about us and who Jesus is that our faith is strengthened and it’s when our faith is strengthened that we experience the fullness that Christ desires for us.  

This is why learning how to study the Bible is so important. Learning to study the Bible is not simply to understand facts or events that took place, but to have a greater understanding of the context behind those stories and to understand what the writer, and ultimately God is trying to convey to us through each verse.  

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”

The Bible isn't just a collection of stories to help us feel inspired, but for Christians, it’s the ultimate tool that guides our daily lives, the values we live by derive from the very word of God. Scripture describes it as “alive and powerful” and when we study the Bible as it was intended, it does work not only in us, it’s better than that, but through us as well!

The Bible is the ultimate tool that guides our daily lives.

We live in an age where Biblical illiteracy is at an all-time high. There are 2.38 billion Christians in the world. 65% of people in America would consider themselves Christians. Now, this is where it gets a little bit more interesting, of that 65% of Christians in America, only 55% say that they read their Bible more than 2x a month. And finally, only 25% of Generation Z say that they read their Bible more than 2x a month. This is a problem, but we see it as an opportunity! An opportunity to really help make studying the Bible easier.

“So, how do I study the Bible?”, “ Do you have any practical tips that I can put into place?” 

5 Tips to Help You Study the Bible:

Understand the Bible from a big picture perspective

  • Read through the entire Bible over the course of a specific timeframe so you can really begin to understand the big picture before moving forward. Try reading making it a goal to read the Bible in 90 days, using our 90 Day Bible Study Sprint guide.

Pick a book that you want to dive deeper into

  • Begin with one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and read through it 5 times. This will allow you to understand the big picture of that specific book.

Learn as much about the book as you can before you dig into it

  • Take a look at who wrote it, who it was written to, and when and why it was written. Knowing the context of the letter is going to help you in understanding what it says and how it relates to you.

Now go through the book slower 

  • Read through it word by word and verse by verse.  Really take some time to read it and understand why this book plays into the big picture perspective.

Ask yourself, ‘How does this book relate to me?’

  • Each book relates to us. Take out your notebook and pen, and begin to journal what that life lesson is for you! If you’d like a little more of an in-depth look at how you can do this, be sure to watch the video, How to Study the Bible (SOAP Method).

Finding time to read and study the Bible can be challenging, but what we suggest is to find time each day that works for you, maybe that’s in the morning when you wake up or before you go to bed. It’s not the time of the day that’s most important but more so finding time to do it. Remember studying the Bible is like a marathon. It will take some time and discipline, and that’s ok, it’s not a race but keep going!  What you’ll find is that God will begin to speak to you in ways that you’ve been praying for, God has so much more for us if we don’t give up!

In what ways are you looking for God to speak to you as you start spending more time in His word?


So many people want to grow in their faith, but feel overwhelmed by the Bible. At Sunday we create resources to make it easier for you to understand the Bible and to grow in your relationship with God.
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